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Green City
Build your very own eco-friendly city!

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Tasty Blue
Grow bigger and bigger while eating everything in the ocean.
Your day to save the world has come!
Shopping Clutter 18: Antique Shop
A search for historic valuables!
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Track down a faceless villain in this solitaire mystery!
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Best scavenger games for free download

Here you can find the best scavenger games available for free download. You can download any scavenger game and try it for free to decide whether you like it or not. Some games provide 60 minutes of gameplay, others can limit you with a 30 or 15 day trial period. Some of the scavenger games are free at all. Choose any scavenger game you like and try it!

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Haunted Manor: The Last Reunion arcade scavenger game 618 MB, $6.99

Will you escape the mansion, or become its permanent resident?

Haunted Manor: The Last Reunion Collector's Edition arcade scavenger game 830 MB, $6.99

Will you escape the mansion, or become its permanent resident?

The Scruffs arcade scavenger game 49 MB, $6.99

Join the Scruffs on a fun journey of love and self-discovery as they work together to save their beloved home.

Hidden Expedition ®: Titanic arcade scavenger game 28 MB, $6.99

It is your job to explore the wreckage of this once-majestic ship and collect antique artifacts for the Titanic Museum.

I Spy Fantasy arcade scavenger game 166 MB, $6.99

Explore three fantastical worlds filled with fun games and challenging I Spy riddles. Encounter challenges and wonderful surprises!

Scavenger Hunt Clues Riddle Me board scavenger game 9 MB, $19.95

Scavenger hunt ideas made easy with Riddle Me treasure hunt clue activity software. Nearly 5,000 riddles on over 400 objects found in and around your home. Instand fun and huge replay value. 60-day money back guarantee. (Windows/Mac Compatible)

Space War Commander arcade scavenger game 53 KB, $19.99

Space War Commander is a strategy game that's set in a universe where humans were annihilated. It is a new take on the strategy genre, avoiding base-building and micromanagement in favor of new game elements like cargo trading, scavenging, and more!

Scavenger arcade scavenger game 14 MB, $19.95

Test your piloting skills as you overcome the Star Hulk Icarus's decaying gravity fields. Rotate, thrust and shoot your way through 80 sectors, collecting riches, battling aliens and unlocking the way to freedom.

Scavenger arcade scavenger game 12 MB, $6.99

Rotate, thrust and shoot your way through 80 sectors, collecting gems, battling aliens and unlocking the way to freedom.

Hidden Expedition: Titanic arcade scavenger game 28 MB, $6.99

It is your job to explore the wreckage of this once-majestic ship and collect antique artifacts for the Titanic Museum.

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