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Best brick-buster games for free download
Here you can find the best brick-buster games available for free download. You can download any brick-buster game and try it for free to decide whether you like it or not. Some games provide 60 minutes of gameplay, others can limit you with a 30 or 15 day trial period. Some of the brick-buster games are free at all. Choose any brick-buster game you like and try it!
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Bust up numbered blocks in this Breakout clone. Complete each level to obtain the required puzzle piece that will ultimately complete the game puzzle and receive an additional 100,000 points!
A breakout game with time limited power-ups, running highscore information and 250 levels played at random. It includes a built-in level editor and a child mode with 150 levels where bricks, balls and paddles are bigger and the ball moves slower.
If you like playing arcade and brick breaking games, but don't have so much time on your hands, then BrickBuster 2 could be the game for you. With its time limited power-ups and small level packs, BrickBuster 2 is perfect for short breaks.

A hyper-addictive Brick Buster game that is sure to satisfy your cravings for arcade thrills.